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  5. Oxyde de diéthyle (FT 10) (rubrique sélectionnée)

Oxyde de diéthyle

Fiche toxicologique n° 10

Sommaire de la fiche

Édition : 2007


  1. Kirk-Othmer - Encyclopedia of chemical technology, 4e éd., vol. 9. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1994: 860-876.
  2. Sax's dangerous properties of industrial materials, 9e éd. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; 1996: 1557-158.
  3. Diethyl ether. In : Base de données ECDIN. Ispra, CEC, JRC, Environment Institute, 1993.
  4. Diethyl ether. In : Base de données Cheminfo. Hamilton : Centre Canadien d'Hygiène et de Sécurité; 1999.
  5. The Merck Index, 12e éd. Merck & Co; 1996: 3850.
  6. NEG and NIOSH basis for an occupational health standard - Ethyl ether. Cincinnati: DHHS/NIOSH; 1993, 39 p.
  7. EUR 14384 EN - Occupational exposure limits. Criteria document for die­thyl ether. Strasbourg: Commission of the European Communities, Health and safety series; 1993, 20 p.
  8. Kirwin C, Galvin J - Ethers. In: Clayton GD, Clayton FE - Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 4e éd., vol. 2, part A. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1993: 445-525.
  9. Leleu J - Réactions chimiques dangereuses. Paris: INRS; 1996, ED 697, 404 p.
  10. Lam C, Galen TJ, Boyd JF, Pierson DL - Mechanism of transport and distri­bution of organic solvents in blood. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 1990, 104: 117-129.
  11. Diethyl Ether - In : Base de données IUCLID. Ispra, CEC, ECB, Environment Institute, 1995.
  12. Liu PT et al. - Autoxldatlve Injury with loss of cytochrome P-450 following acute exposure of rats to fasting and ether anesthesia. Xenobiotica. 1991, 21: 205-215; Green K, Cohen EN - On the metabolism of [14C]-diethyl ether in the mouse. Biochem Pharmacol. 1971, 20: 393-399; cités in: [11].
  13. Van Dyke RA et al. - Metabolism of volatile anesthetics. Conversion in vivo of several anesthetics to 14CO2 and chloride. Biochem Pharmacol. 1964, 13: 1239-1247; Cohen EN, Hood N - Application of low-temperature autoradiography to studies of the uptake and metabolism of volatile anesthetics in the mouse, Diethyl ether. Anesthesiology. 1969, 31: 61-68; in: op. cit. [11].
  14. Ethyl ether - In: Base de données MEDITEXT (
  15. Diethyl Ether - In: Base de données HSDB.Consultable sur le site (
  16. Stevens WC et al. - Comparative toxicities of halothane, isoflurane and diethyl ether at subanesthetic concentrations in laboratory animais. Anesthesiology. 1975, 42: 408-419; in: op. cit. [11].
  17. Diethyl Ether. In: Base de données IRIS.Consultable sur le site (
  18. Land PC, Owen EL, Linde HW - Morphologic changes in mouse spermato­zoa after exposure to inhalational anesthetics during early spermatoge­nesis. Anesthesiology 54, 53-56, 1981; in: op. cit. [11].
  19. Diethyl Ether - In: Base de données REPROTEXT (
  1. Schwetz BA, Becker BA - Embryotoxicity and fetal malformations of rats and mices due to maternally administered ether. Abstract 8. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 1970, 17: 275; in op. cit. [11].
  2. Elvestad K, Hansen LE, Jelnes JE - Health and Safety - Occupational expo­sure limits. Criteria document for diethyl ether, 1993.
  3. Diethyl Ether. Stuttgart: BUA Report 49; sept. 1990.
  4. Khattak S et al. - Pregnancy outcome following gestational exposure to organic solvents. A prospective controled study. Journal of American Medical Association. 1999, 281 (12) 1106-1109.
  5. IARC - Monographs on the evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemi­cals to humans, vol. 11 - Anaesthetics, volatile. Lyon: Centre international de recherche sur le cancer; 1987, suppl. 7.
  6. Determination of ethers I (diethylether, diisopropylether, methyltertio- butylether) in air - Charcoal tube method/ Gas chromatography. MTA/MA-047/A01: Methods of sampling and analysis (
  7. OSHA Sampling and analytical methods. Méthode 07: organic vapors (
  8. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM), 4e éd. Méthode 1610 : ethyl ether (
  9. Norme NF ISO 16200-1 (Décembre 2001), indice de classement AFNOR X43-272-1. Qualité de l'air des lieux de travail - Échantillonnage et ana­lyse des composés organiques volatils par désorption au solvant/ chro­matographie en phase gazeuse. Partie 1: Méthode d'échantillonnage par pompage.
  10. Cuves et réservoirs - Recommandation CNAM R 276. INRS.
  11. Forsberg K, Keith LH - Chemical protective clothing performance index book. New York: John Wiley & Sons; 1989.